We care about your success

You might have the right skills and experience required for your dream role, but if you arrive unprepared for the interview, you could fall short and ultimately lose out on the job. Although, with the proper guidance and help of a recruitment consultancy, these crucial mistakes can be avoided.

At Humanised Group, we consider your success our success as Division Lead of Infrastructure, Cloud and IT Sales Jareth Oades-Gularte says, “we are a recruitment consultancy who is there to provide, help, coach, and mentor our candidates and clients.”

How we help job seekers find the right role:

We take the time to be as thorough and transparent as possible. The team at Humanised Group schedules phone and video calls and arranges face-to-face meetings to discuss the important points. We ensure that you’re capable of the position and the company is the right fit for you and vice versa.

During the process, we provide you with:

  • Information about the role being both open and transparent about the tasks to make sure your abilities align with the position
  • Tips on how to deal with interview pressure so you can show your best, capable self to the interviewer
  • How to answer in-depth, complex, and technical questions without letting your nerves affect you

We want you to succeed, so we have discussions surrounding:

  • How you should talk about yourself, past experiences, and any career missteps to best convey your skills and who you are
  • Your strengths and weaknesses and how these will benefit the company and yourself
  • Salary—this is especially important. But we’re happy to take the pressure off you by having a one-on-one discussion with the company to make sure you and the business are in agreement

The most important aspect:

We’ll also talk you through what questions to ask that will leave you seeing eye-to-eye with your interviewer while remaining at the forefront of their mind throughout the process. “If you don’t have any questions, the company might look at the next candidate,” says Jareth Oades-Gularte.

Just asking the right questions can make a difference and it can also be your deciding factor. If you have any concerns, there’s no better time than the present to address these. “Use the time in your interview to ask.” If you ask the deal-breaker questions before you commit, this can prevent you from accepting the wrong role and save everyone’s time.

We’re here to help you get access to networking opportunities and advance your career. So, if you find yourself searching for a new job, contact the Humanised Group, and we’ll help you find the role you’re looking for and guide you through the interviewing process.

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