Want to Work as a Recruiter? Embark on a Rewarding Recruitment Career at Humanised Group

Ever wondered what it would be like to work as a recruiter? If you’re interested in a recruitment career where you can build long-lasting professional relationships, work in a role that provides value, and help others to succeed, recruitment could be the right career path for you.

Currently, we’re on the lookout for a:

  • Senior Recruitment Consultant
  • Recruitment Consultant
  • And Resourcer (no experience needed!)

So, if you’re interested in joining our team but aren’t sure what a job at our company might involve, we interviewed our Principal Consultant Maddie Ford—to answer all the questions you might be thinking—about what a recruitment career at Humanised Group could look like for you.


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Our Copywriter interviewing and speaking with our Principal Consultant

When did you begin working for Humanised Group, and what do you enjoy most about your role?

Maddie Ford says, “I started working at Humanised Group four years ago! I came on board as a consultant and have had two promotions since COVID-19, and now I’m a Principal Consultant.

I love the people here; it’s really like walking into your second home, as everyone is super welcoming and supportive. The flexibility is amazing here, and while we work really hard, we know when to have fun at work! Everyone’s treated like an adult, there’s no micromanagement, there are lots of opportunities for growth, and we’re given the ability to drive our desk as if it’s our own business! Working at Humanised Group is a great opportunity to learn how to create structure within yourself and your work ethic.”


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What are some of the perks and rewards of working in recruitment?

“The four end of quarter parties and high achievers’ trips that our company organises, getting flown to Melbourne for celebrations, supporting charities monthly, celebrating days like Halloween, Thanksgiving, when our colleagues are granted citizenship, and the opportunity to make a commission. Humanised Group is competitive in a motivational way, so it’s inspiring to do the best you possibly can every day.”


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What qualities, traits, and recruitment skills should someone have to be successful at Humanised Group?

Maddie Ford says:

Having perseverance. Everyone here has that in common.

Understanding that each candidate is unique.

Minding the details during the hiring process to ensure you select the best fit.

Acknowledging when to work hard and when to have a laugh and some banter.

Noting and grasping your clients and candidates’ individual needs.

Innovating and being forward thinking.

Staying organised and keeping your clients and candidates updated.

Empathising and communicating well with clients and candidates.

Dedicating a lot of time and being patient to form and maintain great working relationships.

*A lot of these skills can also be learnt on the job as it’s our priority to train our employees to be ethical in their approach.


And what might your day-to-day look like?

“The minute anyone walks into the office, they’re greeted with smiles and the warmest welcomes. This is always a great way to start the day. Although no two days are the same and it varies from role to role, a typical day for me is filled with:

  • A chat with my beautiful Candidate Manager Michelle Otanes, who is always chirpy, happy, and motivated!
  • Followed by planning our day at 9 am and reprioritising again at 12 pm.
  • The first thing we do once we’ve planned our day is to check our advertisements, applications, client requests, and emails.
  • Then I ensure I dedicate the right amount of time to clients and candidates.
  • We also spend lots of time responding to messages from calls, emails, texts, LinkedIn, and headhunting.
  • Throughout the day we meet with new clients or check in with our existing client base to understand their culture, their struggles, or to take job briefs.
  • We source candidates, complete reference checks, and spend time doing business development.
  • We dedicate a lot of time to making sure we’re submitting the right people for our client’s needs.
  • We advise candidates and clients, and on a good day, we send out contracts to new starters and ensure they’re comfortable with their first-day details.
  • And if a role comes through urgently, we drop everything and spend an hour of power speaking with candidates.


Lastly, what are some key lessons you’ve learnt over the years that might help someone starting new at Humanised Group?

“You might think you’re having a bad day, but things can change in an hour, work smarter, not harder, and enjoy the lighter moments when you can.

“I’ve seen a lot of new starters be successful.”

You’re not always going to get everything right, and that’s okay, and remember that resilience and perseverance are key. I’ve seen a lot of new starters be successful, so my advice is to just keep trying because everything pays off in the end, and if you’re a self-starter, you’ll do well.”


If you’re passionate about a recruitment career at Humanised Group, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out to our Divisional Manager, Brian Maan, at 0402 211 844 or bmaan@humanisedgroup.com for a chat about your future.

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